Do you want to allow your students voice and choice when responding to a reading assignment? This UDL (Universal Design for Learning) Reader’s Response Template allows students to choose how to respond to a prompt: video/audio, typing a response, or writing a response. There is a basic version, and a deluxe […]
By Educators for Educators
Want a book report like no other! This template is the perfect choice! It comes with deletable instructions for your students, and you, super-tastic teacher! This is a very personalizable template where you can delete things you don’t want! It has a summary page, a conflict page, a solution and […]
Activity created by JM Sajche. This is a great activity to practice the Spanish Verbs SER vs ESTAR (TO BE). You can assign it to your students on Google Classroom, Canvas, Seesaw or share the link for Google Slides. It is Peardeck ready. DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES
Activity created by Laura Slat using the Digital Board game template DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES
Activity created by Karen Pasquel using the Farm Life template DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES
A chessboard with easy to move pieces that can either be displayed on a whiteboard or printed. This can be used to teach chess, create puzzles or even as part of a revision game. Template created by James Abela DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES
This template takes students on a destination of learning and discovery. Template created by Matt Meyer. DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES
Activity created by Fontaine Segerquist using a SlidesMania template. DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES
This is a great activity for the beginning or any time of the school year! You can assign it to your students on Google Classroom, Canvas, Seesaw or share the link for Google Slides. Template created by JM Sajche DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES
Template created by Stephanie DeMichele. Visit her Website here. DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES