Digital Bullet Journal template.

Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme.

Free digital bullet journal template.

It comes with a month view and 3 different week views, you can choose the one you like best or even create a week view yourself. It also has a layout for a list of books you want to read (you can color them once you have read them) and a list of movies or series to watch, once you have, you can rate them by coloring the stars.

You will also find some blank pages for you to decorate. I’ve made one as an example (the one titled “These are my PD notes” and I even linked to it on the agenda view).

I’ve used theme colors, so you can change the accents by going to the former master, now called theme. Click on Slide > Edit theme and change the theme colors.

Once you have chosen the week view you like, remember to duplicate it first (right click > duplicate) so you will always have a blank one.

I’ll be updating it monthly (as I do with all the templates that include calendars) so if you don’t want to add more months yourself, you can come back again and “grab” new copies as I update them, and then simply copy and paste the new slides on your bullet journal.