Market, interactive template for counting money.

Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme.

Buying groceries and counting money template.

If you are teaching your students how to count money, this Market template can come quite handy!

Go to the market and start adding your list items into the shopping cart! – To modify prices, go to Slide > Edit Theme and change the price tags. You can edit the items on the list, and if you want to avoid that your students move or delete the list by mistake, once you have created it, move it to the master (theme).

When you finish shopping, proceed to checkout! How much did you spend?

The counting money part of this template, includes two slides: One to pay the exact amount (slide 5) and one to ask your students, if they pay with X amount of money, how much change they will get. They can drag and drop coins and bills out of the register to get the exact change (slide 6).

The US dollar coins and bills images come from Wikipedia.

This time, I’m not using theme colors, I had to export many graphics as images for the template to load correctly.

Hello Canada!

Melisa Dent has adapted the template with Canadian money! Grab a copy here.

Hello Eurozone!

Eulalia has translated the template to Catalan and added Euros! Thank you so much, Eulalia! If you are from the Eurozone, but speak another language you can translate it too! Get your copy here.