Free interactive spinner template for PowerPoint.
You know I like to work on templates that work well in both Google Slides and PowerPoint and I’ve been waiting for Google Slides to up its game, but no luck so far when it comes to customizing animations, so this time I made an exception and created this spinner template just for PowerPoint (desktop software, not the web version).
It comes with 3 different spinning wheels, for 6, 12 or 24 options. If you need less than 6, 12 or 24 simply type in “Free Pass” on some of the sections.
To set it up, choose the spinning wheel that works for you and then click on “Home > Replace” to replace the example words on the wheel or double click on each word to change them for any other text you need, for example: categories, the name of your students or numbers. – BE EXTRA CAREFUL WHEN EDITING, IF YOU DELETE ANY WORD BY MISTAKE, CLICK UNDO. – The words and the sections are all linked to their corresponding slides, and everything is grouped together for the animation to work correctly.
To play, click on Slide Show, this template is to be used in presentation mode.
To spin the wheel, click on the needle. To stop it, click the needle again.
Click on the selected section to go to its corresponding slide.
Click on the small wheel on the bottom right to spin the wheel again.
I’ve used the fonts called Luckiest Guy and Lexend Deca, click here and here to download the fonts and install them on your computer if you want the template to look exactly as in the video below. Click Play for a preview!