Animated weather forecast slides backgrounds.

Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme.

Weather template with animated icons.

Sometimes I receive some special requests that immediately light a sparkle in my head. This template was one of those! And it was really fun to make!

This is an edit I did just for fun *It’s not part of the template*
If you want to do it yourself: I used Unscreen to remove the gif’s background. And for the moving clouds I used a video from Pexels and converted it to gif using Ezgif, then inserted all as images!

If you are teaching about meteorology, well, this is perfect! Even for foreign languages! You can translate it to any language, and even though I only included 5 maps (Spain, US, Canada, Germany and a world map), you can insert any map.

To edit the graph on slide 9, double click it and move the anchor points.

You can ask your students to make their own forecasts, and tell the weather to the class just as a weather anchor.

Everything is editable, you can drag and drop icons (I even created some animated ones!) and recreate the weather report for any location.