Weekly Planner for Online Lessons based on Google Slides or PowerPoint.

Weekly Planner for Online Lessons based on Google Slides or PowerPoint.

Weekly Planner for Online Lessons. Perfect for those using Google Classroom!

Now that educators, students and families are adapting to distance learning, planning your online lessons using Google Slides is a great option whether you are using Google Classroom or not. Almost everybody has a Gmail account and you can easily share the link to the deck with your students.

You can add all the multimedia files they’ll need within the Google Slides file. Just one file for the whole week!

I’ve added links to each lesson on the numbers that I put on each day on the first slide, also to the home button on each lesson for easy navigation (check out the video on slide 2). If you need to add more lessons, copy and paste the circles on the cover and add a link to its corresponding slide.