Cheerful colored wobbly shapes and lines free PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme If you need a cheerful template with abstract shapes, this theme is perfect for you. You can use it to talk about psychology, abstract thinking or even poetry. It comes with a certificate layout and I’ve used […]
Free colorful Google Slides and PowerPoint template. Get ready to add some fun and color to your presentations with Maeve, it features hand-drawn shapes, stars, rainbows, abstract shapes and lines to make your presentations more engaging and professional. This template includes a morning meeting layout and a certificate template. Match […]
Boho chic slides. Free template for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Delaney was such a success that I decided to work on a similar template with a boho style. It features rainbows, clouds, stars, moons and suns. And for those who use morning meeting slides or certificates, I’ve included both layouts […]
Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. Free fun template with little doodles for PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations. Need some fun and laid back slides? Delaney has little doodles, neutral colors and even some gif animations. Little stars, arrows and flowers make a super cute presentation template. If you […]